When it comes to leaky vinyl swimming pool liners, pool owners have two options: you can repair the leak or you can replace the pool liner. The only problem is, how do you know which is the better option for your pool? When you come across a leak in your swimming pool, there are a few things to consider that can help you make this decision, so let the industry pros at Solar Pools help.
If your pool has a leaky liner, the first thing you need to do is find out is how extensive the damage is and in order to do this, you need to find the leak in your swimming pool. This might sound like a simple task, but sometimes it can be like finding a needle in a haystack. The best way for a swimming pool owner to find a leak in their pool liner is to search the entirety of the pool with a pair of goggles. If you are able to find the leak, then you can assess the damage and decide if you want to repair it or completely replace the swimming pool liner.
A second thing you should keep in mind is what part of the pool liner is damaged. There are certain areas of your pool liner that have a lower chance of repair success than others. For example, swimming pool liners with leaks or damage near cutouts, such as skimmers and return jets, have a much lower chance of being successfully repaired. Other areas of a pool liner that are difficult to repair include areas close to a liner’s bead or those close to or adjoining any of the “white goods,” which are skimmers, returns or any plastic fittings. If your liner has a leak in any of these areas the chances of a repair lasting long term are very low, so it might be a wiser and less frustrating choice to replace the liner.
Lastly, it is important to consider the age of your pool’s liner when dealing with leaks. If the pool liner is less than three years old, it is recommended to find and fix the leak in most cases. If your pool liner is more than three years old, you can choose to repair or replace the liner depending on the condition of the vinyl. The three year benchmark is just a general rule of thumb, and it’s important to remember that every pool liner is different. It’s not uncommon for a successful swimming pool patch to add five additional years to a 10 year old liner. Additionally, a successful patch on a two year old pool liner may only add six months to the liner’s lifespan.
Swimming pool leaks happen often, so it is important for pool owners to know what to consider before making hasty decisions. Leaky swimming pools can cause headaches, so keep these tips in your back pocket for when you have to make the decision to repair or replace your vinyl pool liner.